
WATCH | 'DOCTOR WHO' Season 11 Episode 2 | BBC America

October 13, 2018

Doctor Who Season 11, Episode 2 - The Ghost Monument

It's almost been a week since the premiere of Doctor Who Season 1, Episode 1 - The Woman Who Fell to Earth. That episode marked the debut of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor and, well, she crushed it. Her performance was positively refreshing. Whittaker embodied a little bit of Ten (David Tennant) and Eleven (Matt Smith) wrapped in the clothes of Twelve (Peter Capaldi) with her own uniqueness added.

I love regeneration episodes. Although they are bittersweet because you are typically saying goodbye to one version of the Doctor, they are filled with hope; the hope of renewal, the hope in humanity, and hope that the enduring spirit of kindness that the Doctor represents will go on. The Woman Who Fell to Earth was all of that. The episode also left us wondering what will happen next as the last image shown was that of the Doctor and her companions (friends) hanging in space without the TARDIS.

BBC One and BBC America have released a very short trailer for episode 1102. In the sneak peek clip of Doctor Who Season11, Episode 2 - The Ghost Monument.

Watch Doctor Who Season 11, Episode 2 Clip below.

Doctor Who aires Sundays at 8 pm/7 c on BBC America.

Interested in what's next, check out what's coming soon below:

Image cred: BBC

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