
Macy’s Culinary Council Chef Marc Forgione @ Macy’s Lenox | Event Recap

October 29, 2016

Macy's Culinary Council Event Lenox Square

Chef Marc Forgione was at Macy’s Lenox Mall last week to host a special cooking demonstration. What was the occasion? Macy’s birthday! The department store, which holds my favorite event of the holiday season – The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, was founded on October 28th 158 years ago. Happy Birthday Macy’s and thanks for the invite!

Chef Forgione’s cooking demo was a fun event with stories about how he developed the recipes for the dishes he was making and stories about how he came to be a successful chef. If you are into cooking competition shows, you may have seen him compete and win Iron Chef America.

The pairings that Chef Forgione shared during the event although unexpected were delicious. Here are a few of the dishes attendees were able to sample.

Marc Forgione's Quail and Waffles

   Fried Quail & Waffles

Marc Forgione's Meatball and Polenta

Meatballs & Polenta

Marc Forgione's Chocolate Cake

Grandma's Chocolate Cake

Chef Marc Forgione Funny

Marc Forgione is a storyteller in addition to being a great chef. During the event, he shared some amazing recipes, but what stuck most with me was his advice about living life and being successful.
The chef’s number one tip, travel! He shared stories of how he traveled in his 20's and how that experience shaped him. He urged attendees to travel no matter their age.

After the cooking demonstration, Chef Forgione signed copies of his book and took pictures with the guests.

Chef Marc Forgione with guest at Macy's Culinary Council Event

This cooking demo by Iron Chef winner Marc Forgione makes my second time attending an event he’s hosted at Macy’s. My first time meeting the chef was two years ago when he presented a holiday cooking demo where he shared some of his favorite dishes and stories about holiday memories. The crazy thing is, although that event was two years ago Chef Forgione made an impression on me and inspired me to cook more from scratch meals at home. I guess I made an impression on him as well, because after the event last week he looked at me and said “I know you. You look familiar.” I laughed and told him that I attended the last cooking demo he had at Macy’s Lenox and met him then. 

marc forgione and kizzy kingston

I had a great time sampling the food from the Macy's Culinary Council cooking demo and meeting Chef Forgione again. If you want to try some of Chef Marc's recipes and you live in Atlanta, make sure to visit his new restaurant American Cut in The Shops Buckhead! 

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