RECAP:NBC's The Blacklist Season 2 premiere 'Lord Baltimore'

September 29, 2014

One of the most anticipated NBC shows The Blacklist returned last Monday for season 2. If you have seen this show then you're probably obsessed with this show like I am. James Spader is the king of Monday night!

Last week's premiere of season 2 opened with Raymond Reddington in the trunk of a car speeding down a dirt road in a country in Africa. We soon find out that Red has intentionally gotten himself caught by a warlord in hopes of obtaining information about Berlin. He's armed with $3 million in cash as incentive for the warlord to give up whatever information he has on Berlin and the names of the other people Berlin has hired to find Red. The money doesn't seem to be enough to convince the warlord so Red secret weapon, hellfire missiles, seem to be a bit more persuasive. We now have a name...Lord Baltimore.

A new Deputy Attorney is not convinced that the resources that Reddington has been given are being used wisely and she demands to speak to him. Agent Ressler is the one to fill him in on the fact that “Reddington only talks to Elizabeth Keen”.

Elizabeth Keen is back but doesn't seem to be the Keen we know and love. She's in a dingy hotel room staring at pictures of her fake husband, Tom. Later we see her in a hoodie going to meet with Reddington for information.

We then find out that Lord Baltimore is actually a woman and that she is not searching for Reddington but for his ex-wife, Naomi Hyland (Mary-Louise Parker). Naomi has been living in hiding under the witness protection program. Red tells Keen to get FBI agents over to Naomi's house to protect her.

Agents rush over to Naomi's to warn her and to put her in protective custody. Meanwhile, Lord Baltimore who we learn is a twin with dissociative identity disorder is activated, gathers her team, and goes to Naomi's place. They quickly take out the guests and FBI agents at Naomi's house, except Keen, and kidnap Naomi. Keen is able to act quickly and arrests Lord Baltimore.

By the end of the episode Harold Cooper has returned as Director, Keen has gotten her annulment finalized and a new haircut, Ressler is still coping with the death of his fiancée. Reddington is staying at one of his fancy hotels where he receives a package. The box contains a cell phone which he uses to call Berlin, also in the box is Naomi's severed finger. Berlin vows to deliver Naomi to Reddington “piece by piece”.

The Blacklist is back serving up a sensational season 2. Don't miss a new episode tonight, Monday, September 29th at 10/9 c

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  1. I read your post and realized how much I loved this show then something happened... maybe Reddington happened too much... or the daddy issues... I don't know... but I just lost interest and season 2 began... and I'm like... oh yeah... and... who's her daddy??! Do we know yet??? Is it to be revealed in season 4? Jk!


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