RECAP: Doctor Who The World Tour Live Stream - Seoul Q & A

August 09, 2014


The crowd of 1000 Whovians at 63 Building in Seoul

This morning I, along with over 4,000 Whovians around the globe, logged on to watch the live stream of the Q & A from the Doctor Who World Tour - Seoul. The Q & A was supposed to start at 7:30 AM EDT (20:30 KST) but began about 10 minutes late. If you plan to watch the other Q & A's be prepared. The show started with the host entertaining the crowd and keeping them engaged. At least I think that is what he was doing as he was speaking Korean and unfortunately, I don't. The host seemed to be stalling for time while making jokes and getting the audience to scream until Peter Capaldi (Twelfth Doctor) and Jenna Coleman (Clara Oswin Oswald) arrived.

Before Peter and Jenna hit the stage, we are treated to a Doctor Who montage. It was nice to relive all the regenerations within a span of 5 minutes. The host then announced Peter and Jenna with a 3-2-1 countdown and crowd the went wild! I thought it would be magic but it was AWKWARD. Peter and Jenna seemed confused and out of sorts. The host seemed more interested in promoting himself than the Doctor Who World Tour. Needless to say the initial awkwardness was commented on via Twitter (#DWWorldTour) by many watching the live stream as the comments area on the YouTube channel became disabled at various times due to high volume.

However, Capaldi and Coleman were troopers and navigated their way through the Q & A as only the duo could and even spoke a little Korean. The segment became less awkward and actually funny at times. This being the first live stream, I think it can only get better from here. Are you tuning in for Sydney?

Here a few of my favorite quotes and pics...

"Jenna was the first person to show me the TARDIS." ~ Peter Capaldi

"I remember saying, 'Shall we go have a look?' I wasn't sure if it was something Peter wanted to do for himself." ~Jenna Coleman

"I like the tiny TARDIS." ~Peter Capaldi

K-Pop band ZA:E joins the Q&A 

"Doctor Who has always been a rebel Time Lord. Now he's back!" 
~Peter Capaldi

"This Doctor is an adrenaline junkie. He is hard to keep in line. He is mad with curiosity. He's a go-getter and an adventurer and I think Clara finds it very hard to keep up." ~ Jenna Coleman

Peter accepts painting by fan who is obviously inspired by Picasso and abstracts

UPDATE: Seoul Q & A video has been set to private, hopefully for editing and subtitles. Will update when video is accessible. 
Want to watch the full episode on YouTube? Click Seoul Q&A - Doctor Who.

Want to watch Kpop band ZE:A's Breathe video featuring a TARDIS?

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